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Hi, I'm Brodie.

I'm a Singing Teacher based in Sydney's East who specialises in Contemporary Vocals, Musical Theatre and Songwriting.

Tailored voice lessons for the individual singer!


Offering 30 minute, 45 minute & 1 hour individual singing lessons, from beginners to advanced singers. Available both in-studio or online, via Zoom.


Every student also gets access to over 20 personalised Scales and Warm Ups to improve their voice!


My tertiary training began at JMC Academy in Sydney, where I attained a Bachelor of Music, Majoring in Voice & Songwriting.


I began my professional singing teaching career in 2019, working in singing schools and studios. Taking everything I had learnt, I opened up my own studio in Kensington, now sharing my knowledge and passion for singing with a variety of students of all ages and levels. I have experience in teaching all ages from 5 to 65, at all different stages!


There’s no single path for every singer.


I tailor each lesson based off of YOUR voice, “Not one size fits all”! We will work on vocal technique, performance and songwriting (upon request). 

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